Irregular galaxies

Irregular galaxies

An irregular galaxy, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy, does not have a definite regular form. Irregular galaxies don't fit into any of the Hubble sequence's regular categories, and they're typically chaotic in appearance, with no nuclear bulge and no evidence of spiral arm structure.

They are thought to account for around a quarter of all galaxies. Some irregular galaxies began as spiral or elliptical galaxies before being warped by an uneven external gravitational influence. Irregular galaxies may have a lot of gas and dust in them. This isn't always the case with dwarf irregulars.
Irregular galaxies are typically tiny, with a mass of roughly a tenth that of our Milky Way galaxy. They are vulnerable to environmental influences like as colliding with massive galaxies and intergalactic clouds due to their tiny size.

The most uncommon of galaxies are irregular galaxies. They don't appear to belong in either the spiral or elliptical galaxy families. They don't have beautiful spiral arms, but they do have black gas and dust patches. Some irregular galaxies appear to be the result of two galaxies colliding.

Posted By InnoTechzz